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Updated: 05/23/47, 11:35 PDT
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[Previous] Top : Junk : Unwanted Items : The Detritus of People's Broken Lives and Shattered Dreams [Next]
Current Auctions

Today's Featured Items!
Current Auctions
Item Price Bids Ends PDT
[NEW!]*** Enuff Z'Nuff LIVE Bootleg ***[PIC!]$25.00-Long way
[NEW!]Cap'n Wacky Bubble Pipes[PIC!]$415.00-Soon
[NEW!]BEEF!!!!! ON THE CHEAp!!!!!![PIC!]$265.00-Before it goes bad, hopefully
Lunch (like new)$15.00-2525 3:15
My wife... please!$1.00-2525 3:15
Beanie Baby collection[PIC!]$5,000.00-11/18 7:54
Mahir (The Turkish Stud) Parody[PIC!]$3.00-So yesterday
This Wonderful Morning[PIC!]$50.00-2525 3:15
Howdy Doody lunchbox[PIC!]$12.00-11/18 7:54
Presidency of the United States of America[PIC!]$500,000,042.00-07/04 12:01
Love For Sale$70.00-19/75 5:20
Dr. Who Autographed Script[PIC!]$16.00-01/00 6:57
Auction Web Site$23.50-2/53 7:33
Rejected iMac "Think Different" Posters[PIC!]$8.33-04/15 5:20
Self-Respect and Dignity$17.00-11/05 10:33
Stick$21.33-03/27 6:78
Star Wars figure: Jar Jar Binks$15.00-18/32 2:00
Fence Whitewashin’ sessiondead rat on a string-12:12 12:12
Ellipses... year's supply$3.00-08/01 8:10
Superman's secret identity[PIC!]$1,000,000.33-09/25 10:58
Remains of Lou Costello$38.50-01/25 9:56
Political Influence$35.00-06/03 5:18
Lot: Cocaine, Automatic Weapons, Collectible Pin *RESERVE*[PIC!]$35,000-10/19 3:38
Baby Actually Really Alive[PIC!]$300,000.00-05/05 6:27
Mint (Near Mint)[PIC!]$56.00-02/04 3:00

[Previous]Top : Junk : Unwanted Items : The Detritus of People's Broken Lives and Shattered Dreams [Next]

Click on a title to get a description and to bid on that item. These items are not verified by eGad; In fact, we couldn't care less whether or not any of this stuff is real, as long as we can still make a buck on this whole internet thing. This page isn't updated very regularly; don't forget to use your browser's reload, though it won't do much good. The system may be unavailable during regularly scheduled maintenance, Mondays, 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Plus, my wife's leaving me.

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