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Ellipses... year's supply
Item #3339932
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Currently$3.00 First bid$3.00
Quantity1 # of bids0
Time left... 3 days... 2 hours LocationMy... writing style
Started02/01/82, 10:52:12 PDT
Ends08/30/93, 10:52:12 PDT
SellerHairy Knavel (0)
(view comments in seller's College Transcript)  (view seller's criminal record)  (ask seller about about  the nature of time)
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Payment Money Order/Cashiers Checks, Personal Checks, See item description for payment methods accepted
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Well... this is really... something. I have... a stockpile of... ellipses! No matter how many I use... I always seem to have... plenty more. So, ya know... now I am offering... to you... a full year's supply of my ellipses. These babies are great for... making readers know... where you want them to pause. Use them for rhythm... use them instead of periods... use them if you don't feel like using... parenthesis... use them in place of any and all punctuation marks... use them... where no punctuation marks... are needed at all! Aren't they... fun? My stock of ellipses... is guaranteed... to last you... a full... year... I imagine... I'll still even... have plenty left... for myself. ... ... ... ...

Blofeld: (positive) Hairy is a great guy to deal with. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have known how Jigsaw (starring Bruce Willis) ended until I actually saw the film in the theater. Who can wait that long? Not this evil genius.

Julezrulez: (negative) Hairy sed my main man Quentin Tarentino wuz gonna direct The Partridge Family Movie, but he did’nt. So he is not alwuys rite.


Ellipses... year's supply (Item #3339932)

Starts at$3.00
Bid increment$.50
Minimum bid$3.50

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