


Despite our million-dollar attractions and towering roller-coasters, there's one simple thing almost every kid can't wait to do more than anything else at Five Point Park: Meet Cap'n Wacky! All your life, you've seen him - going on adventures in Saturday morning cartoons, waving to you from a can of boiled radishes, smiling on the carton of daddy's favorite pack of cigarettes - and now, here he is in person! What a thrill!

My, he's larger than you expected, isn't he? Not the wee little fellow you pictured at all. And now he's leaning in toward you for a hug, his expression unchanging, his familiar voice nowhere to be heard, and those shiny unblinking eyes loom closer, ever closer, as his arms reach out to swallow you whole.

Here are some pictures of some of our park guests enjoying getting their picture taken with Cap'n Wacky himself:

Return to Lighthouse Court

Capnwacky.com and Cap'n Wacky World copyrite 2010 - Brodie H. Brockie and RJ White